您目前瀏覽地域為 Trinidad and Tobago 的商品

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S.I.T. Car Rental: An Upgrade Opportunity in Trinidad and Tobago
作者姓名:Ian Dunn; Stefanie Tom;
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:W26407
出版日期:2021/12/17內容長度:4 頁

On June 9, 2021, the owner and director of S.I.T. Car Rental, which was located in Trinidad and Tobago, was considering whether he should upgrade his fleet of cars. The COVID-19 pandemic had negatively affected his sales in 2020 and 2021, although the owner was hopeful that he could increase demand by the end of 2021, once the need for pandemic-related lockdowns had ended. He had recently retired one of his older cars and so needed to decide whether .....more

Exotic Caribbean Mountain Pride Ltd.: Expansion Strategy
作者姓名:Barney G. Pacheco;
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B18A038
出版日期:2018/06/29內容長度:10 頁

In January 2017, the owner of Exotic Caribbean Mountain Pride Ltd., based in Trinidad and Tobago, was trying to decide on a strategy to ensure the continued growth of her business in the face of increased competition from other local manufacturers. She wondered whether the timing was right to expand operations and enter the export market. The growing demand for her chocolate products also made her question whether she should increase her prices. The .....more

More Vino Ltd.—Expansion Proposal
作者姓名:Elizabeth M.A. Grasby; Julie Gosse;
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B08N004
出版日期:2008/03/11內容長度:10 頁

A shareholder and silent partner in More Vino Ltd. reviews a request for TT$600,000 in additional funding to finance a renovation for the company. He had initially invested a major portion of the start-up capital. Since then, More Vino has grown in popularity and is now considered the most popular spot for food, drink and entertainment. The shareholder believes that More Vino is a good investment, but he is uncertain whether lending additional capital .....more